Archive for July, 2010

>My tantrums really don’t look that much different than a child’s. When something in ministry, in a relationship or just life in general doesn’t go the way I want I can easily fall into the trap of feeling sorry for myself and complaining about the circumstances that have befalling me. If I were to look at my pride in the face I would find that arrogance fuels my adult tantrums. It is arrogance because I am inevtiably saying, “I don’t deserve what is happening to me.”   I was reminded of this in my recent reading of Humility: True Greatness, by C.J. Mahaney.
Mahaney writes that “Any affliction or circumstance we endure here on earth pales in comparison to what we truly deserve.” I was challenged by this to remember that the next time I feel the temptation to feel I don’t deserve something that I must pause to reflect on what I DO deserve.

Overwelmed by Grace,


P.S. I’ve enclosed a link to this book to the left in this post. I highly recommend it.